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EFMC Sponsored Event

Welcome message

The Scientific and Organizing Committees are pleased to invite you to the 27th National Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry (NMMC27), organized by the Medicinal Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (DCF-SCI), which will be held in Bari, Italy. Bari is a beautiful seaside town, rich in churches, palaces and piazzas, theatres and restaurants, with a special charm throughout the year.

NMMC27, jointly with the 14th Young Medicinal Chemists Symposium “Nuove Prospettive in Chimica Farmaceutica” (NPCF14), will give you the opportunity to share views about the challenges around the corner, as well as medicinal chemistry hot topics. After two years of virtual meetings, the 2022 edition of the NMMC/NPCF symposium will be a presential event, although restricted to fully vaccinated individuals.

The meeting will cover advances in drug discovery in major therapeutic areas, including the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, with a particular attention to the emerging COVID-19 pandemics, but also neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, rare diseases, and cancer. In five scientific sessions, artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques as applied to drug discovery, the so-called “new modalities in medicinal chemistry” and the most recent advances in sustainable, chemical and biophysical technologies will be also featured. More importantly, participants will have the chance to establish and strengthen collaborative networks, a key option for successful research.

The meeting will start on September 11th with the Opening Ceremony at the Piccinni Theatre and will continue at the Aula Aldo Moro (Palazzo di Giurisprudenza, P.zza Cesare Battisti) from 12 to 14 September 2022. The scientific program will include five plenary and ten keynote lectures, as well as numerous oral and poster presentations. We actively encourage the participation of young scientists through dedicated grants and reduced registration fees.

More than 300 delegates from academia and industry are expected. Upon application, twenty (or more) grants for young people, covering full registration fees and suitable accommodations, will be provided by DCF-SCI and other Institutional Sponsors.

We look forward to welcoming you in Bari!

Prof. Gianluca Sbardella (Scientific Committee Chair) - Prof. Maria Laura Bolognesi (President DCF-SCI) - Prof. Cosimo D. Altomare (Local Organizing Committee Chair)

Main topics

The NMMC27/NPCF14 joint event offers a breakthrough vision for medicinal chemists. The event will bring together academic and industrial experts in drug discovery from leading institutions to discuss hot topics in medicinal chemistry and related areas, and foster discussion within the wider translational science. A multidisciplinary program of interest to medicinal chemists, biologists and clinicians focused on drug research and development will be provided.

A session will focus on:

The role of Medicinal Chemistry in the fight against Covid-19 pandemic The sessions’ main topics pertain drug discovery falling within major therapeutic areas and advances in technologies for drug discovery and development.

Drug discovery Cancer
Cardiovascular diseases
Neurological diseases
Infectious diseases
Metabolic diseases
Rare diseases

Technologies Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Computer-Aided Drug Design and Repurposing
Sustainable Synthetic Technologies
Bioanalytics in Drug Discovery and ADMET profiling
Fluorescent-Based Tools and Screening Methods
Chemical Drug Delivery
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


Important dates

11 September 2022

Registration Desk Opening Ceremony

12-14 September 2022

Scientific sessions